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Micronutrient Testing

The ONLY scientific and objective assessment of functional intracellular micronutrient status, supporting an effective, patient-centered approach to medical treatment and prevention of chronic illness.

Micro-Nutrient Testing - For infusions customized to fit YOU!

We can help you manage chronic medical conditions using functional medicine principles. Your initial new client consultation includes a set of labs that we will need to draw at this visit to better understand the current state of your health. Your labs allow us to customize your infusions, based on what your body needs.

Lab Review Consultation

Once your lab work comes back we will bring you in for a second consultation to discuss your results and put together a customized plan.

Who will benefit?

Are your cells getting the nourishment they need? Many individuals are exceeding energy (caloric) needs but not meeting micronutrient (essential vitamin and mineral) requirements.

“[…] the majority of Americans do not follow a healthy eating pattern.


Together with physical activity, eating an energy-rich, nutrient-poor diet predisposes one to many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and especially obesity.


Decades of public health messages to eat a balanced diet have not resulted in behavior change. […]”


Linus Pauling Science Center
Oregon State University

Why Micronutrient Testing is the best investment you’ll make in 2022

Medicine today is not health-care, it is disease management –  Healthcare addresses the root cause of imbalance and corrects it. It begs the question…so what causes disease?

Quite simply, it is this – micronutrient deficiencies, at the cellular level, cause disease. Disease can manifest in many ways from the most subtle of symptoms, like fatigue, to more serious medical emergencies, like heart attacks and infections — all of which are linked to micronutrient deficiency. Nourish your cells and you will unlock your body’s healing potential. How do you know what specific micronutrients YOUR cells need? We are all biochemically unique so your cells require a biochemically unique roadmap.

The Micronutrient test is that roadmap. While you can measure vitamin levels in your blood at many labs, that does not tell you anything about how they are actually working inside your cells. Vitamin LEVELS do not correlate to health. Vitamin FUNCTION does. If you have a higher requirement for a certain vitamin than someone else, how would standardized vitamin tests determine this? They don’t! Micronutrient testing is the only test that measures nutrient function using a lymphocyte proliferation assay, which is very well-established in the medical literature as a way to measure cellular health.

The Micronutrient test does not use algorithms or estimations to determine nutrient status – this lab test is way beyond that. The Micronutrient test uses your own live blood cells to assess metabolic function based on nutrient reserves inside YOUR OWN CELLS. We are the only lab in the world that uses this technology. It is the epitome of personalized nutritional testing and frankly, true health care.

What about my genes, habits, medications – Does that affect results?

Anything that is unique to you – your genes, medical history, age, habits – is automatically taken into consideration because the test is done on LIVE blood cells. Thus, your biochemical individuality is accounted for. It is a comprehensive, accurate, and totally personal analysis of nutrient function. No other lab test even comes close.

If you tested each nutrient individually, it would cost you thousands.

Not to mention that the results would be misleading at best. Micronutrient’s technology is superior. Plus, nutrients like vitamin D and zinc may get all the glory, but all micronutrients serve key roles in biology, regardless of their relative fame. The Micronutrient test measures 31 nutrients plus four exclusive tests that give insight into your personal metabolism. It’s not just a roadmap, it’s turn-by-turn personalized navigation system for your cells.

And... It can radically change your life – for the better.

Also included in our testing Internal Immune Index Score

What does immunidex measure?

Immunidex is a blood test that measures immune function on white blood cells. Stronger is better. This indicates that your immune cells can appropriately respond to environmental cues. A strong Immunidex should not to be confused with an overactive immune response. In this assay, a strong response is good because it means adaptable and healthy.

Specifically, Immunidex is performed on T-lymphocytes, commonly known as T-cells. A more technical definition would state that Immunidex is a quantification of cell mediated immune function using a lymphocyte proliferation assay, also commonly known as a mitogen response assay in the medical literature. This technique introduces a mitogen (a protein that causes a cell to divide and multiply) to white blood cells in order to gauge their potential growth response.

Is immunidex (lymphocyte function) different than lymphocyte count?

Yes. Lymphocyte function refers to how well a lymphocyte can grow (proliferate) and adapt in response to its environment. Ideally, if there is a biological threat, lymphocytes should be able to multiply in response to that threat in order to effectively neutralize it. Lymphocyte count refers to the number of lymphocytes present in the bloodstream but does not inform on how well the lymphocytes that exist actually function.

Healthy lymphocyte function means that the cells can multiply and increase their count when needed. In general, good lymphocyte function must precede increases in lymphocyte count. If lymphocytes did not function well, they could not multiply and therefore could not increase in numbers.

According to the textbook Principles in Nutritional Assessment…

A strong Immunidex indicates adaptable, well-functioning immune cells capable of effectively protecting the body from both exogenous threats (pathogens, viruses, bacteria) and endogenous threats (tumors, dysplasias).

How does immunidex correlate to overall immune function and health?

Immunidex is directly linked to both.  In fact, this type of assay is historically used in medicine and research to test for immunocompetence in a patient.  In other words, Immunidex is a direct indicator of how well a person’s overall immune system can function.  Not surprisingly, a strong, well-functioning immune system is directly correlated to overall health, which is well established in the medical literature.

If Immunidex is weak (deficient), a person’s health is in some way compromised.  Conversely, a strong Immunidex is correlated with health, wellness, and the ability to fight infections.

How do I improve my immmunidex score?

The primary way to improve Immunidex is to correct micronutrient deficiencies that directly compromise lymphocyte function.  Even a single nutrient deficiency can dramatically lower Immunidex so correcting nutritional deficiencies is absolutely essential.  Historically most people have multiple nutrient deficiencies.

There are other, more indirect ways of improving Immunidex.  Many medications act as immunosuppressants which will, by definition, lower a person’s Immunidex.  Although we can’t recommend discontinuing immune-suppressing medications without primary care physician approval, taking a closer look at underlying inflammatory conditions that are treated with medications warrants attention.   Most of these inflammatory conditions are caused or exacerbated by micronutrient deficiencies.  Correcting the deficiency will alleviate the inflammatory symptoms for which the medication is prescribed.

Similarly, autoimmune diseases may lower a person’s Immunidex.  When immune cells are constantly in ‘overdrive,’ as is the case in autoimmunity, they can become functionally exhausted which may manifest as a low Immunidex score.  Addressing the underlying autoimmune condition via micronutrient repletion can potentially raise Immunidex as well.  

Infections, autoimmunity, immunosuppression – all point to micronutrient deficiency, and all will potentially lower Immunidex.  Replete the cell and Immunidex becomes stronger.

How does immunidex correlate to overall immune function and health?

”Lymphocyte proliferation assays measure the functional capability of lymphocytes to respond to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation. Hence, the assays are a more direct test of immunocompetence than a total lymphocyte count. Indeed, they are the most frequently used in vitro method to assess the cell-mediated response to a nutrition intervention.”

Book your treatment today!